The fire season in Texas is destructive as ever

It is fire season in Texas and we already had dozens of brush fires here in the area. The DAS Goat fire was the largest with over 1000 acres on fire. 
The picture to the right is from that fire. 
We can only stop fires like this when we work together and stop stupid things before they happen. 
Here it was a vehicle that started the fire, the Sakewitz fire near Comfort was started by a lawnmower. You don’t need to cut your lawn when it’s so dry. 
So help us to stop these fires by just not doing anything that has a chance of burning down our beautiful hill country. 

All pictures on this website were taken by Hill Country Photography

If you are interested in more pictures like the one above, this one was taken by Hill Country Photography
They are the best when it comes to aerial photography. 
Enjoy the picture and we will post more in the future.